Abraham, Manja D.,
Hendrien L. Kaal, & Peter D.A. Cohen (2002), Licit and illicit
drug use in the Netherlands 2001. Amsterdam: CEDRO/Mets en Schilt.
Pp. 243-286.
© Copyright 2002 CEDRO Centrum
voor Drugsonderzoek.
Licit and illicit drug use in the Netherlands 2001
Manja D. Abraham, Hendrien L. Kaal, & Peter D.A. Cohen
Appendix A: Letters of Invitation
Appendix B: Questionnaire
The lay-out of the questionnaire presented here is not identical to the one used for the main survey. The questionnaire in its final lay-out was an A4 booklet and utilised a colourful routing system which cannot be reprinted here.
Appencix C: Non-response Questionnaire
Appendix D: Weights
- Table d1: Weights assigned to strata
- Table d2: Weights assigned to respondents living in stratum 1
- Table d3: Weights assigned to respondents living in stratum 2
- Table d4: Weights assigned to respondents living in stratum 3
- Table d5: Weights assigned to respondents living in stratum 4
- Table d6: Weights assigned to respondents living in stratum 5
- Table d7: Weights assigned to respondents living in stratum 6
- Table d8: Weights assigned to respondents living in stratum 7
Weights were assigned by ratio of population figures. Conform the sample set-up, weights were determined in two steps. First, each stratum was assigned a weight. Next, for each sample, respondents were given a weight based on the combination of gender, age and marital status. The final weights were obtained by multiplying the 'strata' weights (given in table d.1) by the 'respondents' weights (given in table d.2 to d.8).