Author |
Title |
Year |
Abraham, Manja D. |
Vergelijking Druggebruik
POLS/Jongeren en NPO |
2001 |
Abraham, Manja D. |
Places of drug purchase
in The Netherlands |
1999 |
Abraham, Manja D. |
The impact of urban
residency and lifestyle on illicit drug use in The Netherlands |
1999 |
Abraham, Manja D. |
Drug use and lifestyle:
Behind the superficiality of drug use prevalence rates |
1998 |
Abraham, Manja D., Peter Cohen & Dirk Jan Beukenhorst |
Letter to the editor of
The British Journal of Psychiatry: Comparative cannabis use data. |
2001 |
Abraham, Manja D., Peter Cohen, Roelf-Jan van Til, & Marieke
Langemeijer |
Licit and illicit
drug use in Amsterdam III: Developments in drug use 1987 - 1997.
Report of a household survey in 1987, 1990, 1994 and 1997 on the
prevalence of drug use among the population of 12 years and over |
1998 |
Abraham, Manja D., Peter Cohen, Roelf-Jan van Til, & Mariëlle
de Winter |
Licit and illicit drug
use in the Netherlands, 1997: Report of a household survey in 1997
on the prevalence of drug use among the population of 12 years
and over |
1999 |
Abraham, Manja D., Hendrien L. Kaal, & Peter D.A.
Cohen |
Licit and illicit drug
use in Amsterdam, 1987 to 2001:
Development of drug use in Amsterdam, as measured in five population
surveys between 1987 and 2001 |
2003 |
Abraham, Manja D., Hendrien L. Kaal, & Peter D.A.
Cohen |
Licit and illicit drug
use in the Netherlands, 2001:
Report of a household survey in 2001 on the prevalence of drug
use among the population of 12 years and over |
2002 |
Bergman, Derrick |
Het hele gedoe rondom verslaving is voodoo’. Waarom Peter Cohen de strijd voor beter drugsbeleid heeft opgegeven |
2010 |
Boekhout van Solinge, Tim |
Drugs and decision-making
in the European Union |
2002 |
Boekhout van Solinge, Tim |
De besluitvorming rond
drugs in de Europese Unie |
2000 |
Boekhout van Solinge, Tim |
Dutch drug policy in
a European context |
1999 |
Boekhout van Solinge, Tim |
Het drugsbeleid
in Zweden |
1999 |
Boekhout van Solinge, Tim |
Drug use and drug trafficking
in Europe |
1998 |
Boekhout van Solinge, Tim |
The Swedish drug control
system |
1997 |
Boekhout van Solinge, Tim |
Drugs in France: Prevalence
of use and drug seizures |
1997 |
Boekhout van Solinge, Tim |
Ganja in Jamaica |
1996 |
Ganja in Jamaica
(English) |
Boekhout van Solinge, Tim |
Heroine, cocaine en
crack in Frankrijk |
1996 |
L'heroine, la cocaine
et le crack en France |
Boekhout van Solinge, Tim |
Enkele cijfers over
de Franse drugssituatie in vergelijking met Nederland |
1996 |
Boekhout van Solinge, Tim |
Cannabis in Frankrijk |
1996 |
Le cannabis en
France |
Boekhout van Solinge, Tim |
De Frans-Nederlandse
drugbetrekkingen |
1996 |
Boekhout van Solinge, Tim |
Cannabis in France |
1995 |
Bruining, Wernard |
How to avoid criminalisation
of Euro Cannabis, learning from the Dutch Experience. A plea for
depenalizing, yet controlling production of Cannabis for private
use in Europe. |
2003 |
Caballero, Francis & Yann Bisiou |
Drug Law |
2000 |
Droit de la Drogue |
Cohen, Peter |
Het verdienmodel drugs en de vooruiziende blik van de commisie Hulsman. Kort verhaal over een inquisitie. |
2021 |
The earnings model for illegal drugs and the prescient view of the Hulsman Commission. A brief history of an Inquisition. |
Il modello di profitto delle droghe illegali e la visione preveggente della Commissione Hulsman. Breve storia di una inquisizione. |
Cohen, Peter |
Human Brainwash Zomerradio NPO 1 Radio praat met Peter Cohen |
2020 |
Cohen, Peter |
Interview with Dr. Peter Cohen on the 13th of April 2020 about the concept of 'addiction'. |
2020 |
Cohen, Peter |
De emancipatie van ‘afhankelijkheid’. Angst voor ‘verslaving’ kan verminderen |
2017 |
The emancipation of ‘dependency’. There is good reason to be less fearful of ‘addiction’ |
Cohen, Peter |
Tien Jaar Spuiten en Slikken |
2015 |
Cohen, Peter |
Drug Policy as Freedom from Rationality. The prosecution of the Rototom music festival in Italy. |
2012 |
Les politiques de drogue exemptées de toute rationalité – Les poursuites
judiciaires contre le festival de musique de Rototom en Italie |
Politica delle droga come Liberta 'dalla razionalita'. L'incriminazione del festival musicale Rototom in Italia |
La política de drogas ajena a toda racionalidad. La judicialización del festival de música Rototom en Italia. |
Cohen, Peter |
Less THC, more public health? |
2011 |
Cohen, Peter |
The concept of 'drug harms' |
2010 |
I "danni di droga" quanto e scientifico questo concetto? |
Cohen, Peter |
The Naked Empress. Modern neuro-science and the concept of addiction. |
2009 |
L’impératrice nue: Les neurosciences modernes et le concept de dépendance |
L’imperatrice nuda. Le neuroscienze moderne e il concetto di dipendenz |
Die nackte Herrscherin: Die moderne Neurowissenschaft und das Konzept der Abhängigkeit |
Cohen, Peter |
Observation about cannabis use and cannabis policy |
2009 |
해외 전문가 의견서 |
Cohen, Peter |
Het oog van Antwerpen.Voordracht bij de presentatie van de Antwerpse Drug en Alcoholmonitor
24 april 2008 |
2008 |
Cohen, Peter |
Antonio Costa’s speech opening CND 2008 |
2008 |
Cohen, Peter |
De cultuur van het cannabisverbod. Zijn het politieke luiheid en desinteresse die deze gaffe drijvend houden? |
2007 |
The culture of the ban on cannabis: Is it political laziness and lack of interest that keep this farcical blunder afloat? |
La cultura del bando della cannabis |
La culture de l’interdit du cannabis |
Cohen, Peter |
Europe and the mumbling grave stones |
2006 |
L’Europa e i sepolcri imbiancati |
Europa og de mumlende gravsteiner |
Cohen, Peter |
Looking at the UN, smelling a rat |
2006 |
Costa vola in soccorso dei fondamentalisti |
Cohen, Peter |
Perspectieven op
een levensstijl. Geschiedenissen van opium- en heroïneverslaving. |
2004 |
Views of a lifestyle.
Stories of opium and heroin addiction |
Cohen, Peter |
The social and health consequences of cocaine use.
An introduction |
2004 |
Soziale und gesundheitliche Folgen des
Kokainkonsums. Eine Einführung |
Le conseguenze sociali e sanitarie del consumo di
cocaina. Una introduzione |
Cohen, Peter |
Bewitched, bedevilled, possessed, addicted. Dissecting
historic constructions of suffering and exorcism. |
2004 |
Cohen, Peter |
Harm refusal. Making peace with cocaine, and advancing
from harm reduction to harm refusal. |
2003 |
Cohen, Peter |
The drug prohibition church
and the adventure of reformation |
2003 |
La Iglesia de la Prohibición
y la Aventura Reformista |
La chiesa del proibizionismo
e l'avventura della riforma |
Die Anti-Drogen-Kirche
und das Abenteuer der Reformation |
L’Eglise de la prohibition des stupéfiants
et l’aventure de la réformation |
Cohen, Peter |
Statement to the Select Health
Committee of the New Zealand Parliament |
2001 |
Cohen, Peter |
Senate hearing of Peter
Cohen, Special Committee on Illegal Drugs, Canadian Senate, May
28, Ottawa, Canada |
2001 |
Témoignage du
sénat de Peter Cohen, Comité Spécial sur les
Drogues Illicites, Sénat Canadien, 28 mai, Ottawa, Canada |
Cohen, Peter |
Is the addiction doctor
the voodoo priest of Western man? |
2000 |
Vajon az addiktológus a nyugati ember voodoo-papja? |
Cohen, Peter |
Letter to the Editors
of Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment |
2000 |
Cohen, Peter |
De kritiek van de Amsterdamse
politie op de drugshulpverlening. Wie heeft gelijk? |
2000 |
Cohen, Peter |
Tackling drug related
crime. What can we learn from our partners in Europe? |
2000 |
Cohen, Peter |
Het hazenpad |
2000 |
Chickening out |
Die Flucht vor der
Hintertur |
Cohen, Peter |
Shifting the main purposes
of drug control: From suppression to regulation of use |
1999 |
Un mutamento di rotta
degli obiettivi principali del controllo sulla droga: Dall'eliminazione
del consumo alla sua regolazione |
Cohen, Peter |
Heroin maintenance in
the Netherlands: The case of the Rev. Visser in Rotterdam |
1998 |
Parte la distribuzione
di eroina in Olanda: Il caso del pastore Visser di Rotterdam |
Cohen, Peter |
De nieuwe richtlijnen
voor opsporing |
1997 |
Die neuen Fahndungsrichtlinien |
Cohen, Peter |
Monitoring cannabis
use: A case study |
1997 |
Cohen, Peter |
Notes on (methods of) drug
use prevalence estimation and other drug use research in a city |
1996 |
Cohen, Peter |
Wat kan de Belgische politiek
doen aan verbeteren van drugbeleid? |
1996 |
Cohen, Peter |
Het paarse drugbeleid:
Van normalisering tot task force |
1995 |
Cohen, Peter |
Cannabisgebruikers in Amsterdam |
1995 |
Cannabis users in Amsterdam |
in Amsterdam |
Consumatori di Cannabis
ad Amsterdam |
Cohen, Peter |
The case of the two Dutch
drug policy commissions: An exercise in harm reduction 1968-1976 |
1994 |
Cohen, Peter |
Future drug policy in
the countries of the former Eastern Bloc |
1993 |
(Russian translation) |
Cohen, Peter |
Re-thinking drug control
policy: Historical perspectives and conceptual tools |
1993 |
(Russian translation) |
Repensando la politica
de control de drogas |
Cohen, Peter |
Junky Elend: Some ways
of explaining it and dealing with it |
1992 |
Junky Elend. Algumas
propostas de explicação e resolução |
Cohen, Peter |
Drugs as a social construct |
1990 |
Cohen, Peter |
De grijze methadonmarkt: geluk bij een ongeluk? |
1989 |
Cohen, Peter, & Hendrien Kaal |
The irrelevance of drug
policy. Patterns and careers of experienced cannabis use in the
populations of Amsterdam, San Francisco and Bremen |
2001 |
Cohen, Peter, & Ed Leuw |
Overheid criminaliseert
marihuanateelt ondanks succes gedoogbeleid |
1999 |
Cohen, Peter, Paul Sandwijk, Sako Musterd, & Marieke
Langemeijer |
Drug use and health.
Correlating scores on the Short Form 36 Health Status Scale with
drug use in the population of Amsterdam. |
1995 |
Cohen, Peter, & Arjan Sas |
Cannabis use in Amsterdam:
Report of a survey among 216 experienced cannabis users in Amsterdam
about career and functions of cannabis consumption |
1998 |
Cohen, Peter, & Arjan Sas |
Cannabis use, a stepping
stone to other drugs? The case of Amsterdam |
1997 |
Cannabiskonsum als
Einstieg zu anderen Drogen? Das Beispiel Amsterdam |
Cohen, Peter, & Arjan Sas |
Cocaine use in Amsterdam
II. Initiation and patterns of use after 1986 |
1995 |
Cohen, Peter, & Arjan Sas |
Cocaine use in Amsterdam
in non deviant subcultures |
1994 |
Usages de cocaine
chez les consommateurs inseres a Amsterdam |
Cohen, Peter, & Arjan Sas |
Ten years of cocaine. A follow-up
study of 64 cocaine users in Amsterdam |
1993 |
Cohen, Peter, & Arjan Sas |
Loss of control over cocaine:
Rule or exception? |
1992 |
Davies, John, Douglas Cameron & Ernest Drucker |
Damned and be Unpublished? |
2002 |
Gardner, Dan |
You can't trust the drug 'experts' |
2004 |
Grinspoon, Lester MD |
Marihuana as Medicine:
A Plea for Reconsideration |
1995 |
Harrison, Lana D., Michael Backenheimer & James
A. Inciardi |
Cannabis use in the
United States: Implications for policy |
1996 |
Jansen, Ad |
The economics of cannabis-cultivation
in Europe |
2002 |
Jansen, Ad |
Prijsvorming in
de Nederlandse marihuana-sector 1990-1995 |
1996 |
Die Preisgestaltung
des niederlandischen Marihuanasektors 1990-1995 |
Jay, Mike |
Legalisation: The
first hundred years. What happened when drugs were legal and why
they were prohibited |
2002 |
Kaal, Hendrien |
Who are drug users in the
Netherlands? |
2001 |
Langemeijer, Marieke |
The prevalence
of illicit drug use in the general population and in schools, as
monitored by a number of different methods |
1997 |
Levine, Harry G. |
The secret of world-wide drug prohibition:
The varieties and uses of drug prohibition |
2001 |
Levine, Harry G., & Craig Reinarman |
Alcohol prohibition and drug prohibition. Lessons
from alcohol policy
for drug policy. |
2004 |
Polak, Frederick |
Thinking about
drug law reform: Some political dynamics of medicalization |
2000 |
Quensel, Stephan, Birgitta Kolte & Frank Nolte |
Zur Cannabis-Situation
in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
1995 |
Reinarman, Craig |
The Dutch example shows
that liberal drug laws can be beneficial |
2000 |
Reinarman, Craig |
Why Dutch drug policy
threatens the U.S. |
1998 |
Morele ideologie VS
haaks op drugsbeleid Nederland |
Perche la politica
olandese minaccia l'America |
Reinarman, Craig |
The drug policy
debate in Europe: The case of Califano vs. The Netherlands |
1997 |
Reinarman, Craig |
Librarians and other subversives: thruth can be a casualty of drug wars, too |
2005 |
Reinarman, Craig |
Policing Pleasure.
Food, Drugs, and the Politics of Ingestion |
2007 |
Reinarman, Craig, & Peter Cohen |
Is Dutch drug policy
the Devil? |
1999 |
Reinarman, Craig, Peter Cohen, & Hendrien Kaal |
The Limited Relevance of Drug Policy: Cannabis in
Amsterdam and in San Francisco |
2004 |
Reinarman, Craig, & Harry G. Levine |
Crack in the Rearview Mirror: Deconstructing Drug War Mythology |
2004 |
Sandwijk, Paul, Peter Cohen, Sako Musterd, & Marieke
Langemeijer |
Licit and illicit
drug use in Amsterdam II: Report of a household survey in 1994
on the prevalence of drug use among the population of 12 years
and over |
1995 |
Sas, Arjan |
Science on the Internet:
The pros and cons of publishing on the world wide web and the possibilities
of monitoring information |
1998 |
Sas, Arjan, & Peter Cohen |
Patterns of cannabis use
in Amsterdam among experienced cannabis users |
1997 |
Sas, Arjan, & Peter Cohen |
korte periode in stedelijk leven, makkelijk te verminderen |
1993 |
Stel, Jaap van der |
Het ziektebegrip van verslaving |
2004 |
Stel, Jaap van der |
Debat over legalisering
van drugs gewenst |
2000 |
Debate wanted about legalisation
of drugs |
Teurlings, Mark, & Peter Cohen |
Het regelen van de ‘achterdeur’ van coffeeshops. Onderzoek naar juridische belemmeringen |
2005 |
Tierney, John |
The Czars’ Reefer Madness |
2006 |
Til, Roelf-Jan van |
Het eerste nationale drugsprevalentie-onderzoek |
1997 |
Uitermark, Justus |
The origins and future of the Dutch
approach towards drugs |
2004 |
Uitermark, Justus |
Tussen zorg en repressie |
2002 |
Uitermark, Justus, & Peter Cohen |
Decriminalisation: A short description, and the social process behind it |
2005 |
Uitermark, Justus, & Peter Cohen |
Amphetamine users in Amsterdam. Patterns of use and
modes of self-regulation |
2004 |
Uitermark, Justus, & Peter Cohen |
Nederland als filiaal
van de Amerikaanse opsporingsmachine? |
2003 |
The Netherlands
as a branch of American law enforcement? |
Sovranità Limitata |
Veen, Hans T. van der |
The international drug
complex |
1999 |
Wodak, Alex, Craig Reinarman, & Peter Cohen |
Cannabis control: costs outweigh the benefits |
2002 |