Harrison, Lana D.,
Michael Backenheimer and James A. Inciardi (1995), Cannabis use in the
United States: Implications for policy. In: Peter Cohen & Arjan Sas
(Eds) (1996), Cannabisbeleid in Duitsland, Frankrijk en de Verenigde
Staten. Amsterdam, Centrum voor Drugsonderzoek, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
pp. 179-276.
© Copyright 1995, 1996 Centrum
voor Drugsonderzoek, Universiteit van Amsterdam. All rights reserved.
Cannabis use in the United States
Implications for policy
Lana D. Harrison, Michael Backenheimer and James A. Inciardi
Table of contents
1 Executive summary
- Prevalence
- Legislation
- Marijuana production and seizures
- Marijuana arrests
- Criminal cases filed in U.S. district courts
- Costs of enforcement
- Public opinion
- Future direction of marijuana policy
- The impact of cannabis policy in the United States
- References
2 Pharmacology and health
3 The nature and extent of marijuana use in the United States
- Introduction
- Historical perspective
- The National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse
- The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
- The Monitoring the Future Survey
- The Drug Abuse Warning Network (Dawn)
- National Drug Abuse Treatment Utilization Survey
- Drug Use Forecasting (DUF)
- Marijuana arrests
- Criminal cases filed in U.S. district courts
- Drug use patterns among prison inmates
- Growth of corrections
- References
4 Marijuana supply, sales, and seizures
5 History of drug legislation
6 Marijuana policy and prevalence
7 Enforcement and prison costs
8 Workplace
9 The medicalization of marijuana
10 Public opinion
11 The immediate future of marijuana policy in the United States
Appendix: State-by-State List of Marijuana Laws
The authors would like to thank Chrissy Saum of the Center for Drug and Alcohol Studies at the University of Delaware and Wayne Roques of the Drug Enforcement Administration in Florida for their assistance in locating reference materials for this report.