Boekhout van Solinge, Tim (2002), Drugs and decision-making in the European Union. Amsterdam, CEDRO/Mets en Schilt.
© Copyright 2002 Tim Boekhout van Solinge. All rights reserved.


Drugs and decision-making in the European Union

Tim Boekhout van Solinge

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This book is part of a series of in depth studies of drug control systems, started by CEDRO in 1994 and funded by the Dutch Ministry of Health. Other publications in this series:

L'héroïne, la cocaïne et le crack en France Cannabisbeleid in Duitsland, Frankrijk en de Verenigde Staten The Swedish drug control system
L'héroïne, la cocaïne et le crack en France Cannabisbeleid in Duitsland, Frankrijk en de Verenigde Staten The Swedish drug control system